September 6 — October 4, 2014

Paper Moon

Margaret Meehan



“It’s only a paper moon. Floating over a cardboard sea. But it wouldn’t be make believe if you believed in me… It’s a Barnum and Bailey world. Just as phony as it can be. But it wouldn’t be make believe if you believed in me.”
Paper Moon (1933), written by E.Y. Hardberg and Billy Rose.

"Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening"
- Coco Chanel

“What a strange illusion it is to suppose that beauty is goodness.” – Leo Tolstoy

Conduit Gallery is pleased to announce a solo exhibition of work by Margaret Meehan: Paper Moon. Continuing her investigation into otherness, teratology and human nature Meehan links a fashion icon’s legacy (Coco Chanel) to a fictional beast (Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein) with the use of playful humor and macabre tease.

Coco Chanel had an unhappy childhood. She, like many legendary figures was orphaned and abandoned but rose up from difficult circumstances to profoundly impact the world of culture and design. What is less known is that she was also a Nazi sympathizer. She founded a company predicated on elegance and style while enjoying the privileges that she received from collaborating and even spying for an ugly fascist regime. Frankenstein, the book, is an inversion to the story of Chanel. Mary Shelley’s monster had a virtuous and beautiful spirit that became violent and vengeful only when mocked and tortured by a public that saw him as repugnant and monstrous. Chanel’s company and Shelley’s monster were both built from the bones of others.

Meehan’s exhibition includes small chicly dressed ceramic golems and paper works of drawn, painted and collaged Vogue advertisements on 19th century cabinet cards. In her Paper Moon, the victim becomes the monster and the monster becomes the fashion victim.

Margaret Meehan lives and works in Dallas,Texas. Recent solo exhibitions include Artpace inSan Antonio, Women & Their Work inAustin, David Shelton Gallery inHouston, andSoilArtGalleryinSeattle. She has been included in several group exhibitions including the Dallas Museum of Art, the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth and Centraltrak. Past residencies include The Lighthouse Works,BemisCenterfor Contemporary Arts and the Millay Colony for the Arts.

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